Our EDI messages have been developed and tested in conjunction with the leading LMS Vendors. In addition, we are BIC and Capita Accredited. Setting up for EDI with Books Asia is a quick 3-Step process.
Vendor Setup
You Setup Books Asia as a Vendor on your LMS. You'll need our GLN, which is 5030670164455. You also need to notify your LMS Vendor to let them know you'll be EDI Trading with Books Asia. Axiell or Talis might charge a setup fee, but the other Vendors usually do it for free :-)
Civica and Sirsi users will need to arrange for access to our FTP Server.
This usually takes 2-3 days to setup.
Development and Integration
We will then set you up on our system. We'll need your GLN and the codes used in the GIR segments (eg LLO, LSQ, LFN, LSM etc) for each message type.
We'll need to work with your LMS Supplier (or your local EDI guru) and your Cataloguer.
We have a handy Template for you to fill in to make this Step pain-free.
Our development takes around 3 days.
Life-Cycle Testing
When all the technology is in place, we run several end-to-end tests for all message types (Quotes, Orders, Fulfilments and Invoices).
The objective is to test the Message Content and the Delivery Mechanisms.
Once we've proven that it all works, we set a Go-Live date, and we are Good to Go :-)
The testing cycle usually takes 5-7 days.
With so many libraries looking to increase efficiencies and reduce operating costs, we have a pipeline of libraries waiting to be EDI'd.
Please contact us, if you would like to join in.