Shelf-Ready Servicing

We reduce the workload for librarians by supplying 'shelf-ready' books. We process each book in accordance to your Guidelines, with lots of love and care.


NAG provides the Standard Guidelines for UK's Public Libraries. Books Asia then takes your exact specification and provides customised labels for your library (often referred to as 'Stationery On Demand').

Our Transliteration Slips are supplied free of charge, affixed inside every book. These handy labels reduce your dependency upon language specialists.


Indic-sourced books are inspected from cover to cover. Where necessary, we reinforce the structure of the book to ensure library shelf-life can be sustained.


To keep the books looking good, we provide KPC Dust Jackets and KAPCO Laminating. These are expertly fitted, and supplied at cost price.

RFID Activation

Whether it's for stock-taking, self-service or security, RFID is a core technology. We've got the latest Bibliotheca SmartStations to Activate all the popular RFID Tags.

Marc Records

You have our Transliteration labels, but why re-key all that data into your LMS? Our Marc records are high quality and contain all the Tags you could wish for. And best of all, we provide them free.